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An image of reading glasses and a reading chart
Sep 2022
Christine's Story

My sister, who is four years older than I am, went to her local hospital, the Queen Elizabeth in Glasgow, Scotland.

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Image of a woman with African heritage smiling
Sep 2022
New Research Study Reveals Ethnicity Increases Glaucoma Risk

A recent study from the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai showed that being of African heritage increased the risk of vision loss due to glaucoma. 

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Inage of woman suffering from a migraine with her hands on her temples
Sep 2022
The Clinical Impact of Migraine for the Management of Glaucoma Patients

An invited review of the available literature on migraine and its impact on testing for glaucoma was published in 2016. 

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Image of Lei
Sep 2022
Lei's Story

I had suffered migraines for years on and off but then started feeling like my eyes were wanting to explode, like there was a heaviness to them and a lot of pressure. 

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WAB State Treasurer Nadene Jericho (L) and State President Narelle Brooksby preparing to present donation to Glaucoma Australia at AGM at Mannum on Saturday 6, August 2022.
Aug 2022
Thank You to the Members of Women in Business and Agriculture SA Inc

It was a pleasure for Glaucoma Australia’s CEO, Richard Wylie, to attend the Women in Business and Agriculture SA Inc (WAB) annual general meeting.

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Dr Ondrejka (right) performs a canaloplasty procedure with the new iTrack Advance device. During the withdrawal of the microcatheter, the scrub nurse (left) titrates the ViscoInjector viscoelastic delivery device to deliver a custom volume of OVD, based on the patient’s pathology.
Aug 2022
iTrack Advance CATALYST Study Launched

The first patient has been enrolled in a prospective, randomised, multicentre study to investigate canaloplasty with the new iTrack Advance CATALYST Study.

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A close up image of an eye
Aug 2022
High-Tech Imaging Offers New Way to Detect Signs of Early Glaucoma

A recent study from New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai has found that a new, 
high-tech imaging method may be able to detect early signs of glaucoma and therefore effectively prevent the onset of irreversible vision loss.

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Image of three family members holding hands walking in nature
Aug 2022
Q&A with Optometrist Michelle Phan: How to Encourage Family to Test for ...

Early detection is one of the best defences you can have against glaucoma and so, knowing your family’s history is essential in determining whether you may be at risk. 

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Image of Mariya smiling
Aug 2022
Mariya's Story

I was diagnosed a few years ago, not too long ago, but it´s a few years now. At first it wasn´t a definite diagnosis, just a "possible". I wanted it to be a mistake, to be something else, something fixable.

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