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Glaucoma Australia
July 2023

Went to my GP in 2021 with an eye stye and he suspected glaucoma and sent me to an eye specialist who confirmed it.

A close up of an eye drop about to be instilled into a man's eye.

The last 22 years have been mostly 6-month checks and four eye operations (two trabeculectomies plus two cataracts which are triggered by the trabeculectomy ops).

I’ve had drops, laser, the ops above and now I take a lot of Ganfort in my right eye each evening.

I also have to put in lubricating eye drops (Hylo and/or Optifresh Plus) about five times daily to counter the negative effects of the prescription drops.

The glaucoma hasn’t worsened – stayed fairly constant over the 22 years and at my last visit to my eye-guy (last week) I had 13 and 17 in left and right eyes, which is very good for me.

My eye-guy is great.

The glaucoma hasn’t worsened – it's stayed fairly constant over the 22 years and at my last visit to my eye-guy I had 13 and 17 in left and right eyes, which is very good for me.