The William A Quinlivan Research Fund was established in 2006. Since its inception, Glaucoma Australia has committed over $1.7 million to support Australian glaucoma research across a diverse range of projects.

We are excited to facilitate the innovative research of academics who drive progress in glaucoma management. Our broad aims are to improve the lives of people with glaucoma through better glaucoma detection and treatment.
Glaucoma Australia is committed to supporting research which focuses on the following research domains and guiding principles:
- Research DomainsShow lessShow more
- Increasing the rate and reliability of early detection of glaucoma
- Developing new treatments or improving the treatment experience
- Improving the quality and experience of monitoring the condition progression and maintaining better population wide statistics
- Providing prevention or management tools to improve the quality of life for people with glaucoma.
- Guiding PrinciplesShow lessShow more
Finding a “cure” for all the variants of glaucoma is a global, multi-disciplinary, long term endeavour. Glaucoma Australia recognises it does not have the resources to make a material, demonstrable contribution to finding the cure.
For the foreseeable future, we will focus on areas where we can make a difference, and these are the principles we will apply. Glaucoma Australia prefers:
- Applied research rather than theoretical research. “Clinical” rather than “Laboratory”
- A focus on delivering a better life for people with glaucoma
- A clear identification of preferred research topics and desirable outcomes
- Longer term projects with regular updates
- A desire to work with partner(s) to leverage our funding
- Genuine partnerships where we participate fully in decision making and quality control
- Although research in Australia would be preferred, we are open to funding international collaborations.

Glaucoma Australia is committed to supporting research in an effort to eliminate glaucoma blindness. You can contribute to this research by making a tax deductible donation to Glaucoma Australia today.
The application period will commence on the 1st of May 2024. Applicants are required to download and complete the below application form and attachments and returned to by 5pm (AEST) 14th of June 2024. An electronic copy must be received by this date.
Submissions will be reviewed by the Research Committee consisting of internationally recognised experts in glaucoma research including the fields of ophthalmology, optometry and pharmacy. For further information please contact 1800 500 880 or