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Together we can help people living with glaucoma

Did you know that 1 in 50 Australians will be diagnosed with glaucoma and are at risk of losing their precious eyesight? 

Glaucoma Australia's mission is to raise awareness, educate and support the community and fund ground-breaking research to eliminate glaucoma blindness. 

Without our generous supporters, we simply could not continue to improve the quality of life of people affected by glaucoma today, tomorrow and into the future. Whether you are a volunteer, fundraiser, donor or support group co-ordinator, every effort is greatly appreciated and will brighten someone's future.   

Help change the statistics
1 in 50
Australians will develop glaucoma in their lifetime.
of people with glaucoma remain undetected.
you are 10x more likely to develop glaucoma if a direct relative has it.
Friendly looking older woman smiling at the camera
Make a Donation

You can make a one-off, monthly, quarterly or annual gift.  Every dollar counts and donating is quick and easy. 

Community Stories
Image of baby Eli
Image of Ruth
Shabnam standing in a vineyard smiling at the camera
Image of Vivian
Eli's Story

'As I know, no one is tougher and more resilient than you. I can’t stop crying and now this thing isn’t even rhyming. I don’t care, this whole thing isn’t fair...' - Kayla, Eli's mum

Ruth's Story

'My 4 siblings have all been diagnosed with glaucoma now that we are all over 70. We all know the importance of good care, having watched our mother courageously cope with her blindness...'

Shabnam's story

When I found out that I had glaucoma I was very upset but eventually I accepted it and understood that it’s manageable.

Vivian's Story

'I could not recall if my parents had suffered from glaucoma, but was told to advise my immediate family to have regular eye tests, as there is a high hereditary risk associated with the disease...'

Wilma's story

I am 90 years old, and I have had glaucoma for 8 years. I have sensitive eyes and I'm unable to go outside in bright sunlight.

Lesley's story

'You do have glaucoma.' The words I had been dreading. Four words and I feel as if my feet have been swept out from under me.