Save on entertainment and raise funds
When you purchase your Entertainment™ Digital Membership from us, 20% of your Membership fee contributes towards Glaucoma Australia fundraising!
Your membership gives you access to up to $20,000 worth of value to use at many of the best restaurants, hotels and attractions; with new offers added regularly! Not only will you receive up to 50% off and 2-for-1 deals, but you’ll also be helping us to eliminate glaucoma blindness.
If you’ve used vouchers from the Entertainment™ Book in the past, you’ll be pleased to know that Entertainment is now 100% digital. This means that your membership now lasts for 12 months from your purchase date, instead of expiring every June.

Get your Entertainment™ membership here and your purchase will help the save sight of more Australians.
Hi I'm Kitt, I was born with congenital glaucoma in 2017. Most people don't realise you can be born with this rare condition, it occurs in 1 in 10,000 births in the world but the rates are more like 1 in 750,000 in Australasia.
Unfortunately, it has taken its toll. My take on all this is to be thankful for today's medication, medical technology and services. The most important thing is to ensure that other members of the family have regular eye check-ups.