In 1995 when I went for a routine eye test to an optician to upgrade my reading glasses, she found raised pressure in my left eye.

I was then referred to an ophthalmologist who confirmed I had glaucoma in my left eye only. Thinking back, I do recall noticing flashes in my left eye at the time, strangely enough in 1993 before leaving South Africa (to come to Australia) I had my eyes checked both by an optician and ophthalmologist but nothing was picked up or evident at the time.
Through the years I went on a regime of eye drops as one lot lost their effectiveness and had to be replaced by another. I also had a number of laser procedures to insert holes to improve drainage, these proved of temporary benefit only.
At the end of 2008 (November) I had a trabeculectomy but this did not prove to be successful. Ultimately, probably as a result of all the procedures and trauma, my cornea ceased functioning and I have virtually no vision in my left eye.
Fortunately my right eye is healthy and has compensated for the lack of vision in the left eye. I am able to function without much problem, but have to be aware of my limitations. I go for regular check-ups to ensure my good eye remains so.
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Fortunately my right eye is healthy and has compensated for the lack of vision in the left eye. I am able to function without much problem, but have to be aware of my limitations. I go for regular check-ups to ensure my good eye remains so...Vivian