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Two hands holding each other
May 2023
Bette's Story

Early detection and strict adherence to treatment are so important to glaucoma...

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Image of a pair of reading glasses on a notepad
May 2023
Kerry's Story

My glaucoma was initially picked up by an Optometrist in 1991 when I went to him to get my glasses checked...

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Image of a woman driving
Mar 2023
Clair's Story

Despite experiencing no symptoms, my glaucoma was detected by my optician when testing for reading glasses...

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Image of hands holding a pair of glasses
Mar 2023
Peter's Story

When driving one afternoon, I happened to close my right eye and I realised that I had blurred vision in my left eye...

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Image of a woman driving
Oct 2022
Margaret's Story

We relocated in late 2020, so I had to find a new eye specialist. 

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Image of reading glasses on top of books
Oct 2022
Lesley's Story

Since being diagnosed with glaucoma, I have been using several types of eye drops for 42 years.

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An image of reading glasses and a reading chart
Sep 2022
Christine's Story

My sister, who is four years older than I am, went to her local hospital, the Queen Elizabeth in Glasgow, Scotland.

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Image of a cup of tea
Aug 2022
Karyn's Story

I developed glaucoma 10 years ago, as it is hereditary and my mother had been diagnosed with it. I have to take eye drops once a day at night, one in each eye.

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Image of Mariya smiling
Aug 2022
Mariya's Story

I was diagnosed a few years ago, not too long ago, but it´s a few years now. At first it wasn´t a definite diagnosis, just a "possible". I wanted it to be a mistake, to be something else, something fixable.

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