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July 2023

Over the last few months I have been diagnosed with a disease called glaucoma, something I know very little about. 

A person walking on a beach leaving a trail of footprints behind them

Working in the medical industry all my life I have had the privilege of working with patients with a wide variety of medical issues, with the exception of one - glaucoma - and now I have been touched with it. 

I am totally devastated and am struggling with a disease that is so impacting words cannot convey the pain and shock you feel. I am only a few months into my journey and where that leads I have no idea. I read the stories of so many people. Their concerns and journeys and I am amazed and inspired. If I can draw on these and be a small part of their lives I will get motivated and face head on this eye disease called glaucoma. What a challenge I have; but to walk in the steps of those before me gives me hope and warmth in my heart. 

Thank you to those amazing people and their stories.