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Jun 2020
Saskia's Story
While driving to work every day I would pass a huge billboard saying ‘Have you checked your eyesight lately?'...
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Image of laptop computer on a table next to a pile of books
Jun 2020
Li-Yen's Story
In earlier years when my elder relatives (mother, uncles and aunties) had Glaucoma, it didn't ring a bell for me ...
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May 2020
Harrison's Story
Harrison was born on December 29th 2010, he came into this world two weeks late ...
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May 2020
Shabnam's Story
I will be 39 in April, I was 34 when first diagnosed with glaucoma...
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Apr 2020
Beryl's Story
I had re-entered the work force a few years before I was diagnosed. I had stopped having regular check-ups for several years as my glasses seemed perfect for my needs and I saw no reason to change them. 
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Image of a pile of open books
Apr 2020
Peter's Story
My Glaucoma was firstly detected 13 years ago by a visit to the optician ...
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Apr 2020
Kitt's Story
I was born with congenital glaucoma in 2017, most people don't realise you can be born with this rare condition...
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Image of ethereal blurred lights
Mar 2020
Yvonne's Story
When I went for my reading glasses the optometrist sent me to the ophthalmologist, who told me I had Glaucoma.
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Image of reading glasses placed on a computer keyboard
Mar 2020
Gregory's Story
My Glaucoma was first diagnosed in December 1999 on an OHAS eye test.
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