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Mar 2020
Wilma's Story
Hello my name is Wilma I am 90 years old. 
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Image of man standing with beach in the background
Mar 2020
Kevin's Story
I’m forever grateful that I was diagnosed early and not much damage was done. I have four brothers and two of them have been diagnosed with glaucoma...
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Mar 2020
Debra's Story
My name is Debra Ciuffetelli and I have been living with Congenital Glaucoma for over 61 years ...
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Image of reading glasses placed on a vision testing card
Feb 2020
Guido's Story
About 2006 I had to go to an optometrist because I needed reading glasses ...
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Feb 2020
Lesley's Story
“Look straight ahead over my shoulder”, she said as she shone the bright light into my eye ...
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Image of three eye drop bottle placed against a wall
Jan 2020
Vivian's Story
In 1995 when I went for a routine eye test to an optician to upgrade my reading glasses, she found raised pressure in my left eye. 
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Jul 2019
Sebastian's Story
I was diagnosed with Congenital Glaucoma at 2 months after my parents noticed ...
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Jul 2019
Martine's Story
When I was 44 years old I was diagnosed with open angle glaucoma in both eyes. There is no history of glaucoma in my family...
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Mar 2019
Anne's Story
I was diagnosed with glaucoma 24 years ago, when I was 30 years old ...
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