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Image of Kelly Mercieca
Jan 2022
Glaucoma Patient Kelly Mercieca is Living Life to the Full

Kelly Mercieca was diagnosed with congenital glaucoma at five months old, after her mother insisted that something about her watery eyes didn’t seem right...

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Image of Shannon Davis with wife and two children
Jan 2022
Shannon Davis Completely Blindsided by His Glaucoma Diagnosis

Health-conscious father-of-two Shannon Davis sadly now understands why glaucoma is commonly referred to as a silent thief of sight...

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Image of Tony Bourke
Jan 2022
Tony Bourke says Australians Need to Open Their Eyes When it Comes to ...

At 41, Tony Bourke realised his eyesight was deteriorating, and despite being aware of his family history of glaucoma, he was in disbelief at the diagnosis...

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Image of a wall of spectacles at a optometrist
Jan 2022
Deanne’s Story
After a scheduled yearly eye exam, I was shocked to hear that my eye pressure was 36 mmHg...
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Image of woman's hands holding a kindle at a kitchen table
Dec 2021
June’s Story
I am still managing to live at home with my husband and I will turn 90 this year. I am grateful for the fact that I can still read from a Kindle and watch television...
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image of female hands with open book on desk under lamp light
Nov 2021
Anne's Story
After I explained to the optometrist that I had been seeing halos around street lights at night, and dark spots in the centre of my vision intermittently, they decided to test my pressures...
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Image of woman and baby lying down and facing each other smiling
Nov 2021
Eli's Story
'So here we are again, in the race to stop vision loss. The eye redness, the light sensitivity, the rubbing, the pain induced cry, the poor sleeps and hazy eyes...'
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Oct 2021
Margaret's Story
In October, 1999, when I visited an optician he recommended for me to go to a specialist. He said that I had glaucoma and would need treatment and daily use of eye drops...
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Oct 2021
Helen's Story
I was first diagnosed when I had cataracts removed (both eyes) in 2000. I had an allergic reaction to the drops prescribed by my ophthalmologist...
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