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June 2022

When I was 45 years old, a routine appointment with my mother's ophthalmologist found that I had already lost some vision in my left eye due to glaucoma.

Doctor with folded arms

After regular checks, field tests, and drops, the pressure was not halting, and there was further progression of glaucoma. So, at 55, I had laser surgery, removal of cataracts, and interocular lenses inserted.

The laser was unsuccessful, and my drops increased. I changed ophthalmologists when I was 65. As my sight was failing in the left eye, and glaucoma was also detected in my right eye, two trabeculectomies were successfully performed by Professor Mitchell Lawler in 2020.

My pressures have dropped significantly, but the glaucoma is still closely monitored. 

Sadly, I now have a corneal ulcer as a result of surgery 40 years ago, when radiation was used. That had given me no problem before the two trabeculectomies, but I would highly recommend trabeculectomy surgery, which I found to be very straight forward.

My pressures have dropped significantly, but the glaucoma is still closely monitored. 