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Drainage device
Apr 2019
Researchers Engineer Self-Clearing Glaucoma Drainage Device
A self-clearing glaucoma drainage device that could ensure patients maintain optimum intraocular pressure (IOP) levels whilst eliminating the need for further surgical intervention...
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Microscopic image of moisture cells
Feb 2019
Cleaning Fluid Blocked From Optic Nerve in Glaucoma Patients, Study Finds
This discovery potentially offers new hope. As long as we keep looking, there’s hope for a better future for our glaucoma patients...
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Beaker with coloured liquid being tested in laboratory
Feb 2019
Colour-Changing CL to Aid Drug Delivery into Eye
Due to improved drug residence time and bioavailability, contact lenses have emerged as a potential alternative to conventional drug delivery...
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Overhead shot of group of doctors meeting in hallway having a discussion
Jan 2019
CERA Research May Spark Glaucoma ‘Sub-Group’ Treatment
Australian neurodegeneration have receive substantial grant to further investigate links in DNA and optic nerve diseases...
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Two smiling middle aged women
Nov 2018
Volunteers Sought for New Visual Field Study
Volunteers for research that focuses on developing improved methods of testing for visual field damage due to glaucoma needed...
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Orange coloured vitamin pills
Apr 2018
Big Hopes for Humble Vitamin B3
Could an over-the-counter vitamin B3 supplement be the key to treating one of the ...
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Older woman being comforted by younger woman
Mar 2018
Glaucoma Research: A Year of Progress
New approaches to detection and monitoring, and innovative treatments are positively impacting glaucoma outcomes...
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Silhouettes of two people walking
Feb 2018
New Research: Exercise May Reduce Risk of Glaucoma
People who engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity may be able to significantly lower their risk of glaucoma, according to research...
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Sep 2017
Zinc Chelation Protects Optic Nerve and Ganglion Cells After Injury
Removing excess zinc after an optic nerve injury could protect against permanent vision loss, as the death of ganglion cells and the optic nerve can result in glaucoma...
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