I had no idea I had glaucoma until I changed optometrists in 2001. He saw a problem and immediately referred me to an ophthalmologist specialist.

All my working life I have been a practicing accountant and financial advisor to government, private and not-for-profit organisations well as having over 25 years experience in working with China, business and government.
Imagine how important I valued my eyesight. Mum had glaucoma but we were not advised to test for it. My glaucoma is in an advanced stage but I still have very good eyesight in both eyes and am properly qualified to drive.
Though my "big hammer" my brother, sisters and children all now have regular glaucoma checkups - none have been found with glaucoma.
I have a great specialist who I visit every three months - Immodestly I have had a little media experience and would be delighted to support Glaucoma Australia's efforts in any way I could.