My glaucoma story begins at an early age as from teenage times around 1940 to age 48 in 1975 I endured periodic headache.

In 1970 at the age of 80, my mother was diagnosed with glaucoma and within five years her sight had failed so badly, she only saw people as objects.
Around the same time as my mother’s diagnosis, my eldest brother, living in Wollongong, was also found to have glaucoma. In both cases no mention was made of the need of other family members being checked.
In 1975 an ophthalmologist finally suggested to my brother that this be done, immediately.
All three of his brothers were found to have high eye pressure with myself the worst. My eye specialist was so alarmed I was referred to a Sydney glaucoma clinic for an opinion.
Eye drops were started, and the eye pressure slowly reduced and now at the age of 95 I can honestly say I have never had a headache since.
Unfortunately, I have lost some sight and have undergone one considerable laser treatment in the ensuing years and always recommend to people, GET TESTED.