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March 2020

My Glaucoma was first diagnosed in December 1999 on an OHAS eye test for computer use.

Image of reading glasses placed on a computer keyboard

The union optometrist detected very high intraocular eye pressures (L25 R26) and made an immediate referral to an ophthalmologist Dr Catherine Green at Landowne clinic. My old optometrist did not test for Glaucoma and John a friend of mine said to be very careful of him because his mother in law nearly had gone blind because he just doesn't test for Glaucoma.

I was very lucky Union optometrist discouraged it but she was trained by my old optometrist said he tended to overlook Glaucoma diagnosis (old school).

With the correct use of eye medication my intraocular eye pressures fell to L16 R17 in six weeks. Today my present intraocular pressures are 10 in each eye last E test my pressures were 9 in each eye E pressures. I realise I will need laser treatment eventually in the near future.

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My Glaucoma was first diagnosed in December 1999 on an OHAS eye test for computer use...