In December 2005 I was diagnosed with a retinal tear and detachment in my right eye and was sent to Canberra from Cooma and onto Sydney Eye Hospital. I was operated on at midnight in the middle of the Cronulla Riots. I went home to Cooma - changing altitude slowly over 7 hours – with an orbital buckle and gas bubble.

A couple of years later I developed traumatic glaucoma as a direct result of the surgery, and have received various treatments since, taking care of both eyes as a precaution.
My ophthalmologist is in Canberra (1 ½ hours away) and as the conservative drops were not completely controlling the intra-ocular pressure or vision loss in my right eye, I was sent to Sydney for a deep sclerectomy, i.e. a flap for drainage, at a private hospital in a place called Chatswood. Two days later we returned to Comma (all very stressful and expensive and time consuming).
Since that amazing procedure I healed too well, and the flap created healed over. The Canberra ophthalmologist, under telephone instructions from Sydney, reopened the drainage channel using laser techniques – MAGIC!!
I’ve had low pressures since – left eye 11 and right eye 9! I am currently using drops twice a day with great effect. Six monthly check-ups in Canberra are mandatory and reassuring.