Australia could face a staggering $4.3 billion economic burden from glaucoma by 2025 unless the Federal Government acts now to improve patient compliance, warns Glaucoma Australia.
A sample of saliva could soon determine which patients are at increased risk of developing glaucoma well before the disease can be diagnosed.
This month, Glaucoma Australia CEO Richard Wylie, visited Canberra and met with key political figures to spread awareness about glaucoma and the work of the organisation.
Glaucoma Australia now provides an even more inclusive online experience to enable website visitors to access online content in a way that best suits their needs.
In early 2021, I was diagnosed with macular puckering in both eyes which required a double vitrectomy...
My glaucoma was initially picked up by an Optometrist in 1991 when I went to him to get my glasses checked...
Early detection and strict adherence to treatment are so important to glaucoma...
Researchers have identified a therapeutic target that could lead to more effective treatment of glaucoma.
According to a new study, Low intracranial pressure (ICP) could play a role in the development of glaucoma among patients who have normal intraocular pressure (IOP).