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First line treatment for glaucoma is usually in the form of eye drops or laser therapy. When these two options are no longer sufficient or are not suitable, glaucoma surgery may be required.

Conventional glaucoma filtration surgery is effective but can be associated with significant risk factors. In recent years, a new class of treatment called ‘minimally invasive glaucoma surgery’ or ‘MIGS’ is changing the glaucoma treatment model. These procedures use tiny incisions to place microscopic devices inside the eye to lower the pressure inside the eye, aiming to reduce or eliminate the need for glaucoma eye drops or invasive surgery. More importantly, MIGS devices do not typically disturb the conjunctiva (the membranous covering of the eyeball), therefore it does not alter the success rate of subsequent glaucoma filtration surgery, if required. MIGS procedures are most commonly performed at the time of cataract surgery but some can be performed alone if required.

These procedures represent a major advance for people with glaucoma. However, they will not cure your glaucoma, reverse any damage already caused by glaucoma, or bring back any vision which has already been lost.

Types of MIGS

There are a number of MIGS procedures and they work in different ways. In the healthy eye, the amount of fluid produced is equal to the amount of fluid that drains out. However, in glaucoma the natural drainage channel inside the eye (where fluid normally drains out of the eye) becomes clogged or blocked. This results in a rise in pressure which can damage the optic nerve. MIGS procedures work by bypassing this blockage and help the fluid inside the eye drain out via different routes.

There are a number of MIGS procedures available in Australia and you should speak with your ophthalmologist to see if one is suitable for you:

  • iStent inject W
  • iStent Infinite
  • Hydrus
  • XEN Gel Stent
  • iTrack Ab-Interno Canaloplasty
  • PRESERFLO® MicroShunt
  • Paul Glaucoma Implant
  • MINIject


Types of MIGS
iStent inject W
iStent Infinite
Xen Gel Stent
iTrack - Ab-Interno Canaloplasty
Paul Glaucoma Implant

iStent Infinite

iStent Infinite


What is it? 

The iStent infinite is the latest addition to the iStent family. It comprises of 3 microstents, each measuring less than l mm in length and is made of surgical­ grade titanium. 

How does it work?

The infinite is inserted into the natural drainage channel inside the eye, bypassing the blockage, allowing fluid to more easily drain out. Three stents are typically inserted at the same time as cataract surgery or as a standalone procedure and aims to lower eye pressure and reduce the need  for glaucoma medications.

What are the benefits?

The potential benefit is the lowering of intraocular pressure and possibly reducing the number of glaucoma eye drops without undergoing complex glaucoma surgery. Recovery is rapid. iStents are the smallest known body implant and cannot be seen or felt. It is safe to have an MRI scan and X-ray following this procedure.

Before the Procedure

Your doctor will provide you with specific instructions prior to the operation. You will usually be asked to continue with all your usual medications including your glaucoma eye drops even on the day of surgery. You will likely have a period of fasting immediately before the surgery but again your doctor will provide you with the specific details. 

During the procedure

Your eye will be anaesthetised with a local anaesthetic injection. The procedure itself is quick and usually only takes minutes to complete. iStent infinite is delivered through a very small incision (2 mm) in the front of the eye and implanted into the drainage pathway. The two stents are implanted in different areas to maximise outflow of fluid. If combined with cataract surgery, your surgeon may choose to implant the stents before or after cataract surgery. 

After the procedure

The recovery from surgery is rapid and typically no longer than cataract surgery alone. Your surgeon will prescribe some antibiotics and anti­inflammatory eye drops to apply for up to one-month following the surgery. You may be able to stop some or all of your glaucoma eye drops. However, the effect of the iStent infinite may reduce over time and glaucoma eye drops may need to be resumed. 

What are the risks?

The potential risks and complications associated with iStent infinite are low. There is a small risk of bleeding inside the eye at the site of the stent implantation which often resolves spontaneously. The intraocular pressure may also increase temporarily following the procedure. Because this is an intraocular procedure, there is the small risk of potential infection inside the eye. 

Are there any alternatives?

The alternative treatment options are glaucoma eye drops, laser therapy, one of the other MIGS devices, or conventional glaucoma surgery. Your doctor will be able to explain each of these and whether they are suitable for you.

Fact Sheets

Download and print the fact sheets about minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS)

iStent Inject W
iStent Infinite
Xen Gel Stent
iTrack - Ab-Interno Canaloplasty